31 de dez. de 2009


A CARA da Katy Perry! ela tem o colar com pingente de pirulito de coração. Essas são as bijoux da Tatty Devine.
São colares, pulseiras, broches e botões diferentes e lindos. Eles custam em média 30 libras.

O site da Tatty Devine entrega no mundo inteiro e aceita pagamentos com cartão de crédito ou paypal.
achei demais!

30 de dez. de 2009


troco ou nao essa minha imagem do blog!? (nao a minha foto do perfil)
ta na hora né?

29 de dez. de 2009

Good old days...

Optimus Fest 07/09

Que saudades dessas ferias! daaamn
saudades do Optimus Fest, crystal castles, super bock... aaai ai

How I miss july!
The Optimus fest, crystal castles, super bock.... daaamn




Onde eu posso encontrar botas assim? aqui o Brasil de preferencia...

I can't find those anywhere! where can I find it?

26 de dez. de 2009



formspring me!


15 de dez. de 2009

my room could be...

like this...
I wouldn't mind

13 de dez. de 2009


Eu queeeero essa garrafa!! mesmo.

tem na ELLUS que eu vi!

Alguem quer me dar?


7 de dez. de 2009

My two toned hair

Some people have been asking how did I get my hair this color (two toned).
Actually, I went to the hairdresser and I asked him to lighten just the ends of my hair. Just that. But it didn't turn out as blonde as I wanted, so I did myself the same thing the hairdresser did to me at home and it turned out perfect.

My hair is not actually that dark, it is light brown, but it looks really dark in this picture because it has a high contrast.

My advice is that if you wanna do this, go to a good hairdresser to have it done. seriously
It's really easy, but you can't do this by yourself if your hair isn't already two toned.

I'm planning to get the lighten (again) and maybe add some black parts, but we'll see...

I hope I have answered your doubts!

Taurus: " I'm Right "

A wildfox mandou muito fazendo essas camisetas!
adoraria comprar a minha (touro) hahah
Para quem não sabe eu sou fascinada por astrologia, e sei tudo sobre signos! brincadeira, não tudo haha
Entao me diga, Qual é o seu signo?!
I'm in love with those t-shirts from Wildfox!
I'm a proud taurus.
I know everything about signs, almost... haha
so tell me... whats your sign?


I'm a cat lover.

4 de dez. de 2009

bling bling thing

This bling bling thing..
just in my computer screen, sad...

1 de dez. de 2009

Eu no Justlia.com.br!

Graças a Thalita Peres, do blog Girls Of Mode, fiquei sabendo que estou no site / blog JustLia.com.br!!

Estou num post super legal sobre "Como usar Ankle boots", no meu caso, Ankle boots com vestido. Vale a pena dar uma olhada.


Aqui está minha foto:

ankle boots com vestido.

I just found out that I'm in this really cool website/blog called JustLia.com.br , in an article about 'How to wear Ankle Boots'. It's really nice. check it out!
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